How to fall asleep

Too many people nowadays are spending more time trying to fall asleep than actually the time where they are asleep. Are you one of them? Now you know you're not alone.
Because of the things that happen to us throughout the day, our modern-day busy schedules,  everyday stress that accumulates during the day, can make it really difficult for our brain to let everything go, relax and fall asleep. When the brain cannot shut itself down the body stays active As well. 
Luckily,  there are numerous ways and techniques that can help even the busiest minds  come down  relax and fall asleep. In this article we will go through a few of them. feel free to try and use the one that works best for you.

Falling asleep - “The military style” 

The US Navy Pre-Flight School Has created a message for the pilots that can make you fall asleep in just 2 minutes. It may take up to 6 weeks to adapt to this technique but then it works like a miracle. Here's what you need to do: 

1.You must relax every muscle of your face and even the muscles inside of your mouth.
2.If you feel any tension in your chest you must relax your chest and exhale gently  and continue with relaxation gradually relaxing your legs, your thighs  and other parts of your body.
3. Imagine a relaxing scene or alternatively say “ don't think”  over and over again for about 10 seconds.

Within these 10 seconds you are supposed to fall asleep. If you train yourself overtime this simple, very effective message will work for you just like it does for our Navy. 

Progressive muscle relaxation

A progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that helps you  relax  the muscles of your body, really sanitation you may have in your body and create Tranquility in your body and your mind.
The way you do progressive muscle relaxation is actually you strain your muscles and then you relax the muscle  releasing any excess tension  that a given muscle had.
Raise your eyebrows for 5 seconds.
Release  tension and drop your eyebrows and wait for 10 seconds. 
Smile widely and hold your smile for about 5 Seconds. 
 Take a break for 10 seconds
Continue relaxing all the parts of your body from the upper body all the way to your  toes. Don't get surprised if by doing so you fall asleep and cannot actually finish rain Thai relaxation procedure

Paradoxical intention

This is a funny one. It is actually a farewell working technique Which involves telling yourself to stay awake. By just saying to yourself that you must stay awake and repeating it in your head or the loudly saying it to yourself after some time you will notice that your body is getting tired of being awake and wants to actually fall asleep. This technique is especially successful with people who suffer from insomnia.If relaxation techniques did not work for you that a paradoxical intention technique might be your second best choice.

How does yoga improve sleep?

Yoga is a well-known  holistic method that can help you bring harmony to your body to your mind and improve your  quality of life as well as quality of your sleep. 
I bet you have never heard About a person that practices yoga and simultaneously suffers from insomnia. Many people I know that practice yoga claim that they're sleeping quota has gone down but they are getting quality  sleep.Many yogis claim that they sleep 4 hours per day but this for hours is enough for  their  body and their mind. They are able to get full rest in a much more efficient way within Just 4 hours as compared to people that are stressed all day and all night are trying to fall asleep.

Avoid taking naps at the daytime

If after trying the above-mentioned methods you still find it challenging for you to fall asleep at night try to pay attention to what you do during daytime.Do you take naps at daytime? I know from my own experience that whenever I feel too tired and I go and take a nap at daytime even for as little as 30 minutes I know for sure that that night I will be having difficulties falling asleep.
Even though there have been numerous studies done that prove that taking small naps during the day help with overall productivity  and even improve people's Mental Health individuals that  are struggling with falling asleep at night should try and stay awake during the daytime.
If you try and stay awake during the day time you will be much more tired in the evening and have more chances to fall asleep at least from exhaustion.Sounds a little bit desperate but we are considering almost every option in this article.