Raw Food: Spectacular Coconut Delight

Raw Crust:
* Handful of walnuts
* Handful of almonds
* about 15-20 dates, pitted
* 1/2 glass dry coconut flakes
* 1 1/2 spoons coconut
* 1 spoonful pure orange blossoms extract
* 1 large spoon raw honey
* water (1/4-1/2 glass, if needed)
Add nuts to food chopper, process until mixture resembles coarse flour. Add dates, separated, and mix. By now the mixture becomes quite a course. Add the remaining ingredients and process until the mixture becomes sticky. It can look coarse or slightly wet- up to you on how much liquid you want to add.
Add ‘crust’ into a form. Ideally, you’d have a cling film lining the form, so you ‘build’ the crust inside the form and when the cake is ready, you simply pull out the film with the cake and put it on a plate.
Raw Creamy “Filling”:
* 150 g buckwheat – boil it in water with a dash of salt;
or, even better:
* 150g buckwheat flakes, previously soaked for 7-8 minutes in hot water
* 8-9 walnuts
* dried fruits: 8-9 apricots, 6 figs, any other dried fruits you happen to like, all chopped finely
* 1 1/2 spoons honey
* 4 spoons dry coconut flakes
* 1 spoon coconut butter (oil)
* 1 spoon pure orange blossoms extract
* peel of 1/2 orange (or tangerine, or another variety of citrus – you decide)
Puree the soaked and drained buckwheat in the food processor. Add walnuts and mix some more. Add all the remaining ingredients and process it as much as you can. It should remain slightly chunky. Then finish the mixing of ingredients yourself, with a spoon.
Add the mixture on top of the crust. Add to the fridge and serve cold