Killer Ab Workout!

Getting abs is what everyone wants. Those abs on the cover of people magazine are the envy of millions of people. Those who are avid fitness enthusiasts know how hard it is to achieve them. You can run and lift for years, but if you don’t know the correct information then it will all be in vain.
I want to tell you how you can quickly achieve the abs of your dreams. I want to tell you about two relatively unknown ab exercises that will rip your midsection and give you those abs you have been waiting for. You probably wondering what I am referring to. 
There are two important aspects to uncovering your abs. You need to shave off the fat uncovering your abs and build the abs so that they look strong and toned. You need to workout the abdominals just like you would any other muscle. First though, you must uncover your abdominals by losing the fat over them. 
The only way to get rid of the fat over your abs is to do high intensity cardio workouts like sprints and interval lifting. No matter how many reps of crunches and leg lifts you do and no matter how hard you work your abdominals they will no show if there is still a layer of fat covering them up. 

This being said, toning the abs is important. Everyone has abs, some people’s are more toned than others. Like any other muscle, you want to train your abs and work them hard. Most people stick to basic abdominal exercises like crunches and leg lifts. Most people don’t know about some of the best ab exercises. 
Like any other muscle, you want to keep your abs guessing with unusual types of exercises and different movements. The two exercises I am going to describe are extremely unusual, yet as the title expresses, extremely effective. These exercises work more than just your abs. They work your core and some of your upper body muscle which help with stabilization. 
The first exercise is the dumbbell bear walk. Take two dumbbells. Start out pretty light. Get in a pushup position with your hands on the dumbbells. Lift your left leg and right arm simultaneously and take a step forward with both. Then do the same thing with your other leg and arm. Do this for fifteen feet and then make your way back, moving backwards. If you did not feel it so much going forward I guarantee you will feel it moving backward.
The second exercise is the dumbbell roll out. This is like the ab wheel. Take a dumbbell and put it in front of you. Get on your knees and put your hands on the dumbbell. Roll the dumbbell out and extend you body. Try to extend until you body is almost touching the floor. Then come back up. Do a few repetitions. The heavier the dumbbell the harder this exercise will be.
What makes these exercise so effective is the unique stability that is needed. In terms of working the abdominal muscles, the more unstable the exercise is the more effective it will be on your abs. Try these exercises out and start seeing the abs you have been waiting for!