Useful properties of ginger that make it indispensable in the diet

Ginger tea eases pain in the muscles. In order to quickly restore muscle after exercise and get rid of the pain, chew grated ginger root. The next day you will be ready to go to the gym, informs Rus.Media.

Improves breathing. Ginger will help to improve the breath and kill bacteria in your mouth. It works much better than gum, thus many times more useful.

Ginger can be added to dishes or make him a tea. We have prepared for you a recipe for a warming drink that will improve health and invigorate not worse than a Cup of coffee.


In boiling water add the chopped ginger and sugar, if using. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in black pepper, cover the Cup. After 5 minutes strain the tea, add the juice.


Despite the benefits of ginger, for some people, it still is contraindicated. This root cannot be used for children up to two years, people with bleeding disorders, stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcer, gallstones and liver problems. People with cardiovascular diseases or diabetes should take it with caution. To determine the dose check with your doctor and strictly follow.

Everyone else can use ginger as not only useful but also tasty beverage or Supplement to food. Share with friends information about the properties of the wonder root. Take care of their health!