Weight Watchers Helped Me Beat My Food Addiction And Lose 146 Pounds

I'm Erica Leigh, 34 and from Ohio. I work as an event planner in the admissions office at my Alma Mater, Bowling Green State University (and I feel very lucky to have a job I absolutely love!). I've lost a total of 146.2 pounds.

I struggled with being overweight since I was a kid. Every few years, I'd attempt to lose the weight. I'd see moderate success, reach a goal or milestone, and then think, done, fixed. But I'd eventually gain the weight back, plus some. It was a frustrating cycle, and I got to the point where I was just plain tired of thinking about it. So, I embraced the weight.

I accepted that I was a big girl, got comfortable with that, took pride in it, and loved myself where I was. While I'm glad I found that confidence, I also found myself reaching my heaviest ever weight and had some uncomfortable conversations with my doctor about my overall health.

I knew for a while that my habits with food weren't healthy, but it was easier to ignore than face those head-on. Even at my heaviest weight—315 pounds—I was confident and fairly happy. But I knew I wasn't living my best life. I was sedentary, tired most of the time, and experienced all kinds of miscellaneous aches and pains.

During the winter of 2017, I had a tough realization: I was treating food like a drug.
I was finding any excuse to eat, until I was physically sick, and then lying about how much or how often I was eating. I was also overspending on food. This lack of control scared me. I didn't just need to cut back a little on calories and exercise a little bit more; I needed to make serious changes that addressed the damaging, frightening habits that had become my norm. So, on January 15, 2018, I joined WW (formerly Weight Watchers) and committed to embracing those big changes—for good.

It was important to me to find a sustainable program that was going to provide both structure and flexibility to enjoy lots of different types of food. For me, tracking foods using their points system just made sense. It was easy to make the program part of my daily routine. It was also important to me to remain open to trying new foods and recipes. I knew I couldn't keep eating what I was before WW, so I had to be open minded.

Here’s what I typically eat in a day now:

Breakfast: One apple, one banana with a 1/2-tablespoon of peanut butter, one hard-boiled egg, one chicken sausage link, and a Western Bagel with a few sprays of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. (I love the Cinnamon Spice Alternative Bagel!)
Lunch: Leftovers for lunch are the easiest way for me to stay on track. I usually make roasted vegetables, air fryer chicken tenders, and brown rice to enjoy all week.
Snacks: An apple and a mini Dive Bar (my favorite is the Trash Can Cookie flavor). I also love Snacklins (the Chesapeake Bay flavor is so, so good).
Dinner: Salmon with sweet potato fries, both made in the air fryer, with steamed veggies.
Dessert: I save room for a mini brownie sundae almost every night. I put a Fiber One 70-calorie brownie in the microwave to warm it, then top it with low-cal vanilla ice cream, sugar-free caramel, and strawberries.
When I first started WW, I I resisted working out.
My attitude changed three months in and about 30 pounds down, when a friend of mine set me up with a personal trainer. I saw her once a week for 30 minutes. We focused on strength training, and I basically learned how to exercise.

I then took what I learned from her and worked out at home. For several months, I committed for 30 minutes of activity, three times a week. As I got stronger, I increased to four and then five times a week.

Eventually I even started running, which was something I thought I'd never do. I'm currently training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February. I work out six days a week now: three days of running and three days of strength/weight training. I'm obsessed with Danielle Pascente's workout guides and have had great success with her programs.

It's the hardest days that count the most when you're losing weight.
Curious about WW?

WW weightwatchers.com

Whether it's tracking, choosing the more nutritious option over the bigger indulgence, skipping the donuts on the counter at work, or working out when you don't feel like it, these little moments make up the journey. These moments are opportunities for you to commit daily to the life you're building for yourself. You'll never regret making the better choice when it feels so hard to do so.

I also still have to remind myself that there's no finish line. There will not be a time when I'm "done." There won't be a time when I can go back to the habits I had before and maintain the progress I've made. This was a tough pill to swallow, but accepting this and embracing it has allowed me to see a level of sustainability and success I've never seen before.

Another huge lesson? Be kind to yourself, even the version of you in your "before" pics. When I tried losing weight in the past, it was tied up with the emotions and feelings that come with insecurity. I would think, I hate myself right now, and I'll like myself more when I lose the weight! and would then be disappointed when I started reaching my goals, but was still struggling with the self-love part.
This successful time around, I started at my heaviest weight but with the highest level of confidence I had ever had. I like my life now better, but I don't think I could have stayed consistent if I hadn't started in a place of confidence.
This progress didn't come easily and it didn't come fast, but I wouldn't change a single thing.
I don't wish that the process of losing weight had been faster or easier. I've learned *so* much about myself through this experience, and I continue to every day. This wouldn't have been possible if I woke up one day and I was magically at my goal.
I've worked hard and believe the changes I've made will be long term and sustainable because of the time it's taken to get where I am. If you have a significant amount of weight to lose, know that it will not be easy and it won't be quick—but it will be worth it. Be open to the hard days, be ready to learn, and celebrate the successes, both big and small.